See What's Streaming on BSO NOW! Coming on 10/6: Andris Nelsons conducts Bach, Holst, Montgomery, and Williams with Lorelei Ensemble and Awadagin Pratt, piano. TUCSON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Announces auditions on September 27–28, 2022 for the following position: Principal Harp – Permanent, Tenure Track Salaried – 133 services guaranteed Auditions. Daughter of a fisherman rather than an intellectual icon, she tries out at the Boston Symphony Orchestra's 1952 blind auditions, and even then is betrayed by a signifier of her gender despite the concealing screen. As such, auditionees will also be required to provide proof of Click here for current orchestra vacancies. Esa-Pekka Salonen and the San Francisco Symphony announce the following vacancies: Principal Harp. Young Artist Studio Class Young Artist Audition Requirements Audition Clinics for SYMPHONY ONLY will take place on Sunday, August 7 at our GMYS office located at the Riviera Presbyterian Church: 5275 Sunset Drive, Miami, FL 33143.

Seattle Symphony is holding auditions for bass trombone.